2004-01-19 00:00:00

Panel Debate: LGBT Alternative Strategies to Exclusionary Globalization
Date: 17 January 2004
Time: 09h00 to 12h00
Venue: A6 at the WSF 2004, Mumbai
Organizer: The LGBT South-South Dialogue

The neoliberal globalization is massively exclusionary in several ways, for instance through the expansion of socioeconomic hierarchies combined to sexual orientation based discrimination. This panel is intended to analyze geopolitical, cultural, social, economical and many other aspects connected to the implementation of sexual rights in the context of globalization, and to exchange alternative proposals from a Southern perspective.

Irene León, ALAI, FEDAEPS & WSF International Council (Ecuador)

▼ Sustaining sexual rights in the globalization era
Phumi Mtetwa, LGBT South-South Dialogue (South Africa / Ecuador)
▼ Initiatives and challenges in the struggle for sovereignty
Sheila Lapinsky, Lesbian and Gay Equality Project (South Africa)
▼ Struggle for peace and the rights to self determination
Sunila Abeysekera, Women’s Support Group (Sri Lanka)
▼ Strategies to sustain full and worldly citizenship
Cesar Cigliutti, Comunidad Homosexual Argentina (Argentina)
▼ Civil society initiatives in the fight against HIV/AIDS
Fatima Hassan, Treatment Action Campaign
▼ Diversity, plurality and the challenges for constructing another world Blanca Chancosa, Americas Social Forum & WSF International Council

The LGBT South-South Dialogue is an international space oriented to strengthening full citizenship of persons discriminated against because of their sexual orientation, and to developing alternative proposals in the context of globalization.