Foro Racismo
Documento Final del Foro Regional de México y Centroamérica sobre racismo, discriminación e Intolerancia
Los participantes en el "Foro Regional de México y Centroamérica sobre Racismo, Discriminación e Intolerancia".
Organizaciones No Gubernamentales, reunidos en la Ciudad de México los días 9 y 10 de noviembre de 2000, coincidimos en los siguientes
Declaración de la Primera Conferencia Nacional de Solidaridad, en el marco de la III Conferencia Mundial contra el Racismo
Considerando: Que la documentación historiográfica evidencia que los pueblos Indígenas de América sufrieron dramáticamente las consecuencias de la conquista y colonización, genocidio donde los conquistadores europeos despojaron a los indígenas de sus
Declaração do Povo Rom (Ciganos) aos Povos, Governos e Estados das américas.
("Conferência Cidadã Contra o Racismo", Santiago de Chile, 3 e 4 de dezembro de 2000 - "Reunião Preparatória Intergovernamental das Américas", Santiago de Chile, 5 a 7 de dezembro de 200.)
As Organizações Rom (Ciganas) abaixo referidas, com expressões
Within the diverse Andean countries, grave problems exist in the youth
population, which can be divided into various sectors, relating to
education, employment, youth participation and health management. We
describe in general various common situati
The group that worked on xenophobia issues was comprised of indigenous
and Afro- Andean peoples of both sexes. A delegate from the Roma
peoples was also present.
Following the proposed methodology, the problem was diagnosed.
We d
Women and Gender
In order to tackle the problem of gender relations in the Andean
region, as well as their intersection with racial discrimination,
xenophobia and other forms of intolerance, it is indispensable to
place them in the multicultural and multi-ethnical co
In the Andean region, racism is as wide spread as it is unpunished.
It is expressed as much in daily social relationships as in the
structural breach that segregates Afro-Andean and indigenous peoples
participation in political, social
Migrants, Displaced Peoples, Refugees
1. Migration
Migration, which has intensified in the last few years in the entire
sub-region, is principally produced by the lack of income and
employment alternatives; the lack of alternative education and
training; and, above all,
Conclusions About Intolerance
Quito, November 16-18, 2000
General Discussion of the Context
Entering in the new millenium, human rights look threatened by numerous
challenges. We are witness to a resurgence of racism, fascism,
xenophobia, homophobia, hate crimes, ethnocide a
Gypsies: Declaration of Quito
The members of the Roma (Gypsy) people- belonging to the "Organizing
Process of the Roma (Gypsy) People of Colombia" (PROROM) and the
"National Association of the Roma (Gypsy) People of Ecuador" (ASOROM)-
attending the "Andean Forum for Diversity an
Diagnosis of the problem
Latin America is a multiethnic, multilingual and multicultural region.
Peoples of African descent exist in all Latin American countries.
Many live in distinct cultural groups that were founded during the
colonial period
Por una América libre de racismo
Al inicio de un nuevo milenio, la Conferencia Mundial contra el Racismo, la
Discriminación Racial, la Xenofobia y otras formas relacionadas de
Intolerancia, convocada por las Naciones Unidas, se celebrará en un momento
en que la humanidad, a pesar de
Por una América libre de racismo
Al inicio de un nuevo milenio, la Conferencia Mundial contra el Racismo, la
Discriminación Racial, la Xenofobia y otras formas relacionadas de
Intolerancia, convocada por las Naciones Unidas, se celebrará en un momento
en que la humanidad, a pesar de
Rigoberta Menchu: El racismo debe ser criminalizado
Rigoberta Menchú, Premio Nobel da Paz, en visita al Ecuador el 7 y 8
del presente mes, para respaldar las movilizaciones de los
movimientos indígena, campesino y popular, movilizados en ese país en
los últimos diez días, afirmó que el Foro de las Am
Declaration of the African NGO Forum
Dakar, Senegal, 20-21 January 2001
Declaration of the African NGO Forum