Rivas Vaciamadrid. 11, 12 y 13 de Septiembre de 2008

III World Social Forum on Migrations

2008-02-26 00:00:00


What is the World Social Forum on Migrations?

The World Social Forum on Migrations is a thematic forum located within the framework of the World Social Forums. It sets forth an alternative to neo-liberal policies seeking the consolidation of an alternative globalization that respects Universal Human Rights.

Under the direction of the International Committee, this meeting, which is being held for the third time, is conceived as a place for civil society, associations and social movements on a global scale to meet in order to contribute to the construction of a common political memorandum, that generates debate, and makes proposals regarding migrations, development, and human rights, in the context of globalization.

When? The 11th, 12th and 13th of September, 2008

Where? In Rivas Vaciamadrid (Madrid, Spain)

Objectives of the 3rd WSFM

• To strengthen the global character of the WSFM, encouraging the participation of organisations and organised groups in those places that are important destinations for migration and/or the participation of refugees and displaced persons.

• To boost the presence and active participation of immigrants and immigrant associations and bodies.

• To promote the creation and/or strengthening of different immigrant and refugee associations and the consolidation of social movements.

• To provide a forum for the articulation of networks, establishing the necessary framework for meetings, exchange and analysis to take place.

• To search for a means of achieving a political impact through the establishment of working groups designed to coordinate strategies and produce declarations on key issues

Central focal point : Migrations and Human Rights

Thematic blocs:

1. Globalization and Migrations

- Globalization and citizenship and integration of people
- Comprehensive and sustainable human development and migration
- Migrant workers. Global labour market
- Environment and migrations
- Political-economic globalization and its impact on migrations

2. Societies of origin and alternative development

- Alternative public policies of development, organizations of migrants,
remittances and alternative funding
- Social inequality and commercialization of migrations
- The social and economic cost of emigration.
- The impact and the right to migrate, not migrate and the right of return
- Interventionism, transnationals, macro-projects and migrations.

3. Borders and Human Rights

- Borders in the framework of globalization: legitimacy, state, nation and
borders, the right to move freely
- Cross-border migrations, security and human rights
- Countries of transit
- Human trafficking and slave trade
- Walls and outsourcing of borders

4. The societies at destination y and the situation of the migrants

- The effects on the destination society: social, cultural, workforce,
political, religious
- Processes of coexistence, integration and intercultural exchange, and
the role of the immigrant as an agent of change
- Public policy and civil, political, social, cultural and economic rights
- Migrations and the media.
- Confinement, deportation, criminalization, racism and xenophobia

5. Asylum and displacement

- Armed conflicts, asylum and internal displacement
- Recognition of other causes for displacement and refuge
- Policies of outsourcing the right to asylum
- Conflict resolution and the right to peace the right of return and
comprehensive reparations
- Alternatives for protection and solidarity beyond states and
social systems


• Plenary sessions
• Seminars
• Workshops
• Free activities
• Cultural activities

Who is organizing it?

The International Committee of the WSFM

Members of the International Committee

America: Serviço Pastoral dos Migrantes;Grito dos Excluidos; Plan migración, comunicación y desarrollo; Red migración y desarrollo; Alianza Nacional de comunidades latinoamericanas y caribeñas (NALACC); Plataforma Interamericana de DDHH, democracia y desarrollo; Observatorio Interamericano de los Derechos de los/las Migrantes (OCIM), MIREDES Internacional

Europe: Migreurop; International Scalabrinian Association at the Service of Migrants (AISSMI)

Africa: Reseau Africain Sur L’Etude des Migrations (RAEM), Plataforma migrantes Maroc; Comité de Seguimiento de la Conferencia Euroafricana de ONGs sobre migraciones; Centre d’Etudes Pour l’Action Sociale (CEPAS), Fundación Sur,

Asia: Migrant Forum Asia; Palestinian National Council

Thematic: Plan migración, comunicación y desarrollo; AFE


CEAR, Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado
Avda. General Perón 32, 2º Dcha. 28020 Madrid

How to participate
