Carata A Porfirio Lobo
9 de Abril 2010
Sr. Porfirio Lobo Sosa
Casa Presidencial
Tegucigalpa D.C. Honduras, Centroamérica.
Nosotros los abajo firmantes, dirigentes de organizaciones no gubernamentales, sindicatos, lideres de instituciones de fe, e intelectuales, nos dirigimos a usted para manifestarle nuestra profunda preocupación y condena a los asesinatos y amenazas a la integridad física de los campesinos afiliados a la organización MUCA. Condenamos las ejecuciones de: José Leonel Álvarez, Miguel Ángel Alonso Oliva, Ramón Ulises Castellanos, Miguel Sauceda, José Antonio Cardoza y el periodista Nahun Palacios.
Los asesinatos que están ocurriendo bajo su gobierno, violan todos los artículos de la Convención Interamericana de los Derechos Humanos, y otros convenios internacionales, de los cuales el Estado de Honduras es signatario.
En nuestra calidad de defensores de los derechos humanos, ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos comunicaremos a la sociedad, al Congreso y Senado de los Estados Unidos de América las violaciones de los derechos humanos que el gobierno de Honduras esta realizando en perjuicio de las familias campesinas.
· El cese inmediato de persecución, tortura y asesinatos contra comunidades campesinas del Bajo Aguan organizados en MUCA.
· El retiro inmediato de fuerzas militares de y para militares de la zona del Bajo Aguan.
· El desarme urgente de sicarios, grupos paramilitares contratados por los terratenientes y oligarquía hondureña.
· El inmediato arresto y aplicación de la ley a los sicarios, guardias privados, policías y militares que han cometido los asesinatos.
Nosotros estamos interesados en que los conflictos se resuelva por las normas civilizadas y de respeto a los derechos humanos. Estaremos vigilantes para que estas demandas de la comunidad internacional no sean ignoradas; tal como sucedió el año pasado bajo el gobierno de facto de Roberto Micheletti.
Finalmente hacemos a usted responsable por cualquier masacre que pueda ocurrir contra el Movimiento Unificado Campesino del Aguan (MUCA).
Honduras Solidarity Network, USA
SOA Watch
Quixote Center
USA Latin American Solidarity Coalition
Alliance for Global Justice
Casa Morazan
U.S. Labor Education in the Americas Project (USLEAP)
Ciudades Hermanas: Estados Unidos - El Salvador
Nicaragua Network
Campaign for Labor Rights
National Alliance of Latin American and Caribbean Organizations. (NALACC)
Venezuela Solidarity Campaign
Nicaragua Center for Community Action
Internacional Action Center, USA
Just Foreign Policy
Internacional Socialist Organization, USA
Grassroots International
Chicago Religious Leadership Network on Latin America
La Voz de los de Abajo, Chicago, Illinois
Proyecto Hondureño, Boston, Massachussets
Teachers for Social Justice, Chicago, Illinois
Hands Off Honduras, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota
Hondurans for Democracy/Hondureños por la Democracia, Washington, D.C.
Latin American Solidarity Committee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
St. Louis Inter-Faith Committee on Latin America, St. Louis, Missouri
8th Day Center for Justice, Chicago, Illinois
Andy Thayer, Chicago Committee Against the War*; Gay Liberation Network
Rhode Island Mobilization Committee to Stop War and Occupation
Philip McManus, Forging Alliances South and North (ForAL), Santa Cruz, CA
Indira Meza Amaya, Boston, Massachusetts
Marina Kaplan, North Hampton, Massachusetts
Luis Feliz, In Solidarity with Immigrants (ISWI), Corona, New York
Margaret Cerullo, Hampshire College*, Amherst, Massachusetts
Anike Ami, In Solidarity with Immigrants, Amherst, Massachusetts
Jayme Winell, In Solidarity with Immigrants, Amherst, Massachusetts
Cheryl DeSanctis, In Solidarity with Immigrants, Amherst, Massachusetts
Lyla Bugara, ISWI, Amherst, Massachusetts
Everett Literacy Program, Everett, MA
Iniciativa Salvadoreña de Educación y Cultura (ISEDUC), Boston MA
Centro Dominicano para el Desarrollo, Boston, MA
Barry David, Brighton, MA
Jobs With Justice,Boston , MA
Iglesia Reformada Emanuel, Boston, MA
Comité de Refugiados de El Salvador (CORES), Somerville, MA
Chelsea, Uniendose en Contra de la Guerra, Chelsea, MA
Center to Support Immigrant Organizing, Boston, MA
Centro Presente Boston, MA
ChicagOtra Campaña, Chicago, Illinois
Ari Cowan, Amherst, Massachusetts
Albany Park; North Park and Mayfair Park Neighbors for Peace, Chicago, Illinois
Noah Enelow, Hampshire College*, Amherst, Massachusetts
Latin American Solidarity Organization, Olympia, Washington
Portland Central American Solidarity Committee, Portland, Washington
Mobilization Against War and Occupation, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
*Organization for identification purposes only
English Translation
April 9, 2010
Mr. Porfirio Lobo Soso
Casa Presidencial
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
We, the undersigned leaders of non-governmental organizations, unions, organizations of faith and intellectuals are writing this to show our profound concern and to condemn the assassinations and threats against the physical integrity of the farmers affiliated to the organization, MUCA. We condemn the executions of José Leonel Álvarez, Miguel Ángel Alonso Oliva, Ramón Ulises Castellanos, Miguel Sauceda, José Antonio Cardoza and the journalist Nahun Palacios.
The assassinations that are occurring under your government, violate all the articles of the Interamerican Agreement on Human Rights and other international agreements to which the Government of Honduras is a signatory.
In our role as defenders of human rights and citizens of the United States we are communicating to society, and to the Congress of the United States of America about the violations of human rights that the government in Honduras is carrying out against the peasant families.
We demand the immediate cessation of the persecution, torture and murders against the peasant communities of Bajo Aguan organized in MUCA; the immediate withdrawal of the military forces and paramilitaries from the zone of Bajo Aguan; the urgent disarming of the hired assassins, paramilitary groups contracted by the land owners and Honduran oligarchy; and the immediate arrest, and application of the law, to the hired assassins, private guards, policy and military who have committed the murders.
We are interested in seeing the conflicts resolved through civilized norms and respect of human rights. We are vigilant to see that these demands from the international community are not ignored as happened during the past year under the de facto government of Roberto Micheletti.
Finally, we will hold you responsible for any massacre that may occur against the Unified Campesino Movement of Aguan (MUCA).