Second Summit of Heads of State of the South American Community of Nations,
Inclusive social and Human Development as one of the axes for the south American community of nations
The Permanents gathered at the Second Summit of Heads of State of the South American Community of Nations, convinced that inclusive social and human development is one of the priority aspects at the Community Agenda, and that it is necessary, propose that the axis of the inclusive social and human development to be structured around four mechanisms: Objectives for Regional Social Development; Horizontal Technical Cooperation, a Fund for Inclusive Social and Human Development and Regional Observatory for Inclusive Social and Human Development.
In order to carry forward this effort, the Presidents assign the Commission of High-level Functionaries, in combination with the Working Group on Social Policies, to work on:
1. Objectives for Regional Social Development
IDENTIFY a series of defined goals which require an important effort in every country, but at the same time, are reachable in a predetermined period, with the perspective of promoting a strategic vision about social policies in South America.
These Goals of Regional Social Development will consider the experience of Millennium Development Goals as defined in the Social Summit of Monterrey, but will adapt them to the ability of complying with commitments established by the countries, by selecting a limited series of areas and choosing indicators and objectives more related to the reality of every country within each one of these areas.
2. Horizontal Technical Cooperation
ESTABLISH a mechanism of Horizontal Technical Cooperation, where countries of the region will have access to not only to knowledge of the most successful expediencies in the region regarding different areas that integrate social politics, but also to the sound and experienced advice of people that have confronted and successfully solved similar problems in other countries of the region.
In order to guide this mechanism, regional political forums should be held, including those directly responsible for the design and execution of social policies in every country. The objective of these forums would be to harmonize concepts and views, as well as socialize and create spaces for advising on successful experiences.
3. Regional Fund for Inclusive Social and Human Development
STRUCTURE, with the objective of supporting National Strategies of Inclusive Social and Human Development and Horizontal Technical Cooperation, a Fund of Inclusive Social and Human Development, coordinated by a Technical Council with the participation of county members and support of multilateral organizations committed to local development.
4. Regional Observatory for Inclusive Social and Human Development
CREATE a Regional Observatory should be identifying main sources of exclusion in countries of the region, provide regional forums with politics speech, evaluate and advise countries in the implementation of National Strategies of Inclusive Social and Human Development, among others.
The Observatory should be integrated by a series of academic members of renown prestige (from inside and outside the region), people with broad experience on implementation of social policies in the region and leaders of the civil society.
Agreed in Cochabamba, Bolivia, on December 9th, 2006