Second Summit of Heads of State of the South American Community of Nations,
South American physical integration
The Presidents gathered at the Second Summit of Heads of State of the South American Community of Nations, convinced of the importance of physical integration to achieve the strengthening of our union and development of our peoples, as well as the need to reduce asymmetries and achieve these objectives, and the need to optimize physical infrastructure and harmonize norms to facilitate their execution and operation;
Taking into consideration Initiative of South American Region Infrastructure Integration (IIRSA – Integración de la Infraestructura Regional Sudamericana) should continue promoting the objective of infrastructure integration attending to the needs of social and economic sustainable development of nations in order to accelerate the integration process, preserving the environment and the balance of ecosystems, in agreement with decisions arising from the South American Heads of State Meeting held in Brasilia in August 2005 and its Consensus Priority Agenda, whose Agenda for Consensual Implementation was approved by South American Presidents in Cusco, on December 8th, 2004;
In compliance with the agreement achieved at the South American Community Heads of State Summit in Brasilia, held on September 30th, 2005, with respect to promoting the implementation of prioritized integration project, identified by the South American countries and comprising the “Portfolio of IRRSA Projects”; and,
Considering the need to coordinate existing initiatives and avoid duplication of efforts, therefore decide to:
1. Deepen and perfect the advances achieved in identifying, evaluating and executing integration projects in the framework of planning process on a regional basis, undertaken by South American countries.
2. Assign to the Commission of High Level Functionaries of the South American Community of Nations the articulation of actions to be developed by the Working Group on Infrastructure Process (Grupo de Trabajo Sobre Infraestructura), with the Action Plan for 2007 agreed on by the Sectoral Ministers, who make up the Executive Management Committee (Comité de Dirección Ejecutiva) of the IIRSA Initiative, who will meet in the City of Quito (Republic of Ecuador) on December 13, 2007.
Agreed in Cochabmba, Bolivia, on December 9th, 2006.