Faces of the Global Economy

2003-10-28 00:00:00

Friday 21st

Faces of the Global Economy

9:00-10:45:Plenary: Grassroots voices from the Americas: Gesu Church
Santuary (500)

Jorge Lerma, CUT-Colombia

Cheri Honkala, Kensington Welfare Rights Union
Alberto Gomez Flores, UNORCA, El Campo No Aguanta Más (Mexico)

Mexican woman maquiladora worker (Coalition for Justice in the

Miami Haitian health care worker (STITCH/Unite for Dignity)

Venezuelan grassroots activist (Global Exchange)

Flavia Cherry. (Caribbean banana farmer)

Mexican union organizer (Mexico Solidarity Network)
11:00-12:45 Workshop session 1

1. Alternatives vs. the FTAA. (Hemispheric Social Alliance, Alliance
for Responsible Trade, American Friends Service Committee).
Methodist Church (300)

The Hemispheric Social Alliance has developed comprehensive
critiques of and alternatives to the FTAA. This workshop will
contrast the two approaches in a non-technical, popular format
intended to provide tools for activists in their own popular-
education efforts.

2. Environmental Impacts of NAFTA. (Texas Center for Policy
Studies). Doubletree Key Biscayne (100).

3. SPEAK-OUT "Stop the Corporate Takeover of Water! (Public
Citizen, Polaris Institute, Council of Canadians, Red VIDA) Gesu
Church (200/350)

The workshop is organized as a speak-out. Everyone will be
permitted 5-7 minutes to present the water struggles in their
community - (a) background (b) resistance strategies (c) who was the
target/bad guy/corporate water baron? (d) what was gained? what were
the victories? Facilitators will gather key information and place
it on a map and use other visuals. Many speakers are expected from
Latin America (Bolivia, Peru, El Salvador, Nicaragua) Caribbean
(Puerto Rico) the U.S. (Detroit, New Orleans, Stockton, Laredo) and
Canada. All are welcome!

4. Case Studies on Gender and Trade from Mexico and Caribbean.
(Women's EDGE). Peace Ed. Found. (70).

5. The Impacts of Export Credit Agencies in Latin America: Campaigns
and Case Studies (CIEL) Doubletree Key Largo (50)

Export Credit Agencies and Investment Insurance Agencies, commonly
known as ECAs, are public agencies that provide government-backed
loans, guarantees and insurance to corporations from their home
country that seek to do business overseas in developing countries
and emerging markets. Participants of the workshop will present case
studies on ECA involvement with particular projects in Latin
America. This workshop aims to strengthen the Latin American
campaign on ECAs.

6. FTAA and Its Corporate Pushers (Campaign for Labor Rights)
Doubletree Key West (100)

7. Student organizing and the FTAA (USAS/Oxfam America) Doubletree
Grand Ballroom (300)

8. "Beyond the Miami Ministerial" - local and statewide strategies
for multi-sectoral organizing (Florida Fair Trade Campaign). Gesu
Church Sanctuary (500)

After the Miami Ministerial - what is next? How to continue to
develop, learn from, and move on to the next step, of bringing the
diverse forces affected and opposed to neo-liberalist trade policies
together into an effective political and social state-wide force.

12:45-2:00 Lunch

2:00-3:45 Workshop session 2

1. Lessons from NAFTA: No Model for the Hemisphere. (Hemispheric
Social Alliance, Alliance for Responsible Trade, Global Development
and Environment Institute) Methodist Church (300).

Nearly ten years of experience with NAFTA demonstrate the dangers of
extending this model to the hemisphere in the FTAA. Speakers from
Mexico, the United States and Canada will describe the social,
economic and environmental impacts of NAFTA and popular resistance
to that agreement.

2. Trade and Migration (American Friends Service Committee)
Doubletree Key West (100).

3. Regional Experiences and Advocacy Efforts on Gender and Trade
(International Gender and Trade Network). Riande Hotel (60).

4. Puppet show from Argentina (Argentina Autonomista Project) Gesu
Church (200/350)

5. Lessons from Bilateral Free Trade Agreements (Alianza Chilena por
un Comercio Justo y Responsible, Iniciativa Mesoamericana CID,
Oxfam). Doubletree Key Biscayne (100)

6. Winning Strategies: Defending Water as a Public Good and a Human
Right. (Public Citizen, Polaris Institute, Council of Canadians, Red
VIDA.) Peace Ed. Found. (70)

Speakers: Richard Ellis, OPEIU, Vice president Florida AFL-CIO;
Alberto Villareal, Defensa del Agua y la Vida, Uruguay; Chetin
Talwalker, Bluegrass Flow, Kentucky; Maureen Taylor, Michigan
Welfare Rights Organization This workshop will focus on a variety of
unique strategies for challenging decision-makers and successfully
defending water rights.

7. World Bank Workshop (50 Years Is Enough) Doubletree Key Largo

4:00-5:45 Workshop session 3

1. Challenge to Democracy: NAFTA Investor-State Cases: (Global
Development and Environment Institute, Alliance for Responsible
Trade). (Doubletree Key Biscayne (100).

Updates on recent developments in the use of investor-states cases
to challenge local environmental and public-interest laws.

2. Case Studies on Water and Gender in the Americas. (Women's
Committee of the HSA). Doubletree Key West (100)

3. The FTAA and Indigenous Peoples: Impacts and Alternatives
(AIM/Oxfam) Gesu Church (200/350)

4. Poor Peoples' Campaign on Economic Human Rights (Kensington
Welfare Rights Union) Gesu Sanctuary (500).

5. Campaign on Inter-American Development Bank and Plan Puebla
Panama (ACERCA) Peace Ed. Found (70)

6. Labor and Gender (Red Nacional Género y Economía, Mexico)
Doubletree Key Largo (50)

7. Challenge from the South: FTAA Campaigns in Brazil, Argentina and
Venezuela. (HSA). Riande (60)