2005-09-16 00:00:00


On Tuesday, September 13 2005, at dawn, FEDAEPS’ offices in Quito suffered violent attacks; heavy stones and pieces of concrete were thrown breaking several windows. This affects not only the facilities and goods of the institution, but also the security of those who work there.

We are particularly concerned by the fact that it is not the first time an assault of this nature takes place. In October 2003 we suffered a similar attack, which evidences the insecure environment that affects social organizations, intellectuals and human rights activists in our country.

The Foundation for Studies, Actions and Social Participation - FEDAEPS - is a pacific and pacifist non-governmental organization devoted to research and promotion of human rights and full citizenship without any kind of discrimination, as well as the recognition of diversity. Over the past 16 years we have contributed to the life of the nation through developing constitutional, legislative and social proposals, education and social mobilization campaigns, and by producing studies and information, as well as other lines of action.

This assault also affects other international initiatives that share the facilities: the Latin American Network of Women Transforming the Economy - REMTE -, the LGBT South-South Dialogue, focal point of the World march of Women in Ecuador, and the Secretariat for the Americas Social Forum.

FEDAEPS and all the other affected organizations claim for their right to continue carrying out their work in a peaceful environment, that respects the freedom of expression, the development of autonomous thinking and of social initiatives, and that repudiates the permanent impunity that covers these kinds of intimidating actions.

Quito, September 15, 2005
